As a step to ensure the safety of the installation, you may need to make sure that the Windows Installer service correctly on your computer. Based on the service and the Windows installer to install the S engine must be installed correctly to ensure a smooth installation. Most of the installation services based on Windows installer will automatically install the MSI before installing the engine on the computer. In the case of errors or other unexpected behavior, you may need to manually install the machine S. This article will guide you through the process:
• Search or download the Windows Installer service (MSI engine)
• installation of the Windows Installer service (Engine Research) on your computer
Note: Windows XP already contains a copy of Windows Installer 2.0. Therefore, we do not need to install the Windows Installer service (Engine Research) in Windows XP.
To search for or download the Windows Installer Service engine
Follow these steps to obtain the services of the Windows Installer engine installed on your computer.
Windows 95 / 98 / I
• find the same file with the setup.exe InstmsiA.exe the folder or disk that contains the installation file. As soon as I found to install the Windows Installer. If you can not find the file:
A letter to the Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable for Windows 95, 98, and page.
B Scroll down to the bottom of the page, then click InstmsiA.exe shown in the image, to download the Windows Installer engine.
Windows and the Northern Territory 4.0/2000
• find the same file with the setup.exe InstmsiW.exe the folder or disk that contains the installation file. As soon as I found to install the Windows Installer. If you can not find the file:
Letters to the Microsoft "Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable for the Northern Territory and 4.0 and Windows 2000.
B Scroll down to the bottom of the page, then click InstmsiW.exe shown in the image, to download the Windows Installer engine.
Installing the Windows Installer service
And to install the Windows Installer engine, double-click the file in Windows InstmsiA.exe 9.x / Middle East InstmsiW.exe or Windows NT/2000. Installation will not have dialogue, in addition to the installation progress bar appears.