Connecting a gtp engine to CGOS 19x19 using Windows OS

Follow the steps below:

1. Access to the group tcl. There are many "feel" of the graphical user interface, and improve the error, etc..
In other words, only needs to operate on the application of traditional knowledge
Is as follows:

That's it .exe all you need, about 1M on what you need and not have a problem
Installation, registration, etc..

Simple: Rename tclkit - win32.upx.exe also tcl.exe

2. Access .tcl client from CGOS customer groups.

3. Amendment script .tcl to 19x19 server, using script

   # ... set server
   set server

# ... Set port 6867
Set port 6919

No other changes required.

4. Create an account CGOS. I remember, when we read
Using the first time, the user name and password that is valid
After that, you must use the same password for continued use.

Therefore, for the purpose of testing, and use this account:

Name: testingTCL
Password: password

5. In order to take advantage of the convenience gnugo (only for test)

  gnugo37 --mode gtp --chinese-rules --capture-all-dead

Must be the establishment of an effective system to play CGOS.

Please note that you will lose a lot if you win
Do not catch all the opposition stone dead.

China's mandatory rules.

6. Create a .bat file with:

tcl cgos3.tcl testingTCL password "E:\\GO\\PROGRAMS\\GnuGo\\gnugo37
--mode gtp --chinese-rules --capture-all-dead"

7. Run .bat file to wait until the next round.

8. Oversee the plan your own:

Download cgosview.exe

I do not need to specify the arguments to the officers of 19x19,
This is the standard 19x19.

Run for: cgosview.exe