Charles Babbage (1791-1871), the leading computer design and the first engine computer automatically. He invented the computer, but does not prove them. Babbage's first machine was finished in 2002 finished in London, 153 years after the end. Differences in the 2nd, and the creation of original pictures from insured, including the 8000, weighed 5 tons and measures 11 feet long.
We encourage you to learn more about the body, and Charles Babbage designed a group of people who carry out development. We do not know what, if any, in the future has passed. Victoria does not see the screen.
The same engine in March 2008 presented at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.
Babbage's first automatic computer equipment in a bid for the various machines and computers dedicated to the task of scheduling that is designed to assess the approximate number of trigonometric polynomial. Where the project stalled because of political and personal, and he was generally aware of design possibilities, and begin design work for the analysis of the engine.
Inputs (data and program (available on the punch card machines to use this method when there is in the horizon, such as direct mechanical jacquard machine. Production, and will have a printer, and the planned Bell Curve. Akan Machine can prepare to punch in the card read. The base used public - 10 fixed-point computing.
There will be a store (ie, memory) that can accommodate more than 1000 in each of 50 decimal (about AD 20.7kB). Unit (hereinafter referred to as "hard") will be able to perform all four arithmetic operations, with the square root of the comparison and selection. At the initial stage, the engine is different from the self-bending, in general, the circularity of movement, and long-term storage of North Korea. (Then, cartoons of the scheme the organization's network), CPU (central processing unit of the modern computer, and the plant will depend on the respective internal procedures and stored in the form of the word of the screw rotating cylinder called a "barrel" to implement the most complex instructions that can be designated by the user program. (see a small modern equivalent.)
Programming language used by the same user with the modern language of the Assembly. Seminar and the branching is possible and according to the language in perception that have been completed long before Turing Alan Turing concept of three types of punch cards and one of the algorithms, numerical constants, and download one of the business, storage, transportation and storage or to the rear. There are three types of readers of the three types of cards.
In 1842, and Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea, Babbage, who met while traveling in Italy, wrote that the machine in France. In 1843, and translated into English to describe the various have described King, Countess of Lovelace, who became interested in the engine before the 10 years. The recognition Menabrea documents, including the Bernoulli method to calculate the amount of computer use, and has been known as the first computer programmer. Modern computer programming language, Ada, and itself.